I'm Chanel. I enjoy travel around the world with my family So far the most beautiful scenic spot in my heart is Vancouver. The blue sky, white candy’s clouds and the sunshine the breeze blowing treetops. It's really like living in a picture, so I enjoy the lifestyle in Vancouver so very much! I love Dog , I have a dog named ARMANI, a 7 year-old West Highland white terrier. He is very lovely and cute. I hope all guests will love my ARMANI. when he sees new friends, maybe he will barks a few times. It means to welcome you all!
Besides traveling, I also enjoy movies, all romantic comedies, science fiction dramas... Wait, I just don't dare to watch horror movies~
Love music and food is everyone's common hobby. My acceptance of food is very high. I like to challenge food from all countries, so Chinese food, Korean food, Japanese sushi, Thai food, Spanish food, Italian food, French, Indian curry, Western steak are also good! Anyway, as long as it is delicious and fresh food, I love it!
我是Chanel 非常喜愛與家人到處旅行,旅行至目前為止心裏覺得最美麗的景點還是溫哥華,藍天白雲與和旬的陽光陣陣微風吹動樹梢,真像是生活在一副畫裡面,所以我非常享受溫哥華的生活!另外我有一隻愛犬名字是ARMANI是7歲的西高地白梗,他的個性非常活潑可愛,希望所有的房客們都能喜愛ARMANI,他只是有時剛剛見到新朋友會緊張,就會亂叫幾聲是歡迎你們大家的意思啦!