Ganzes Ferienhaus·Privater Gastgeber

Private Villa Estate, 10m sqft Maid, Chef, Pvt. Pool, exotische Landschaft, Familie zu entkommen

Fotogalerie von Private Villa Estate, 10m sqft Maid, Chef, Pvt. Pool, exotische Landschaft, Familie zu entkommen

Nicht klassifiziertes Bild, 5 von 53, Schaltfläche


6 Schlafzimmer6 BadezimmerPlatz für 14 Gäste929 m²

Beliebte Annehmlichkeiten

  • Grill
  • Pool
  • Whirlpool
  • Waschmaschine
  • Frühstück verfügbar
    Frühstück verfügbarFrühstück verfügbar
  • Außenbereich

Entdecke die Gegend

Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo
  • Beliebter OrtPlaya Maroma1 Gehminute
  • Beliebter OrtParadise Beach1 Gehminute
  • Beliebter OrtGolfplatz Playa Paraiso3 Autominuten
  • FlughafenCancún, Quintana Roo (CUN)35 Autominuten

Zimmer und Betten

6 Schlafzimmer (Platz für 14 Personen)

Bedroom 3

1 Queen-Bett

Bedroom 5

2 Einzelbetten

Room 8

1 Einzelbett und 2 Kinderbetten

Schlafzimmer 1

1 King-Bett

Schlafzimmer 2

1 King-Bett

Schlafzimmer 3

2 Einzelbetten

Schlafzimmer 4

2 Einzelbetten

Schlafzimmer 6

2 Einzelbetten

6 Badezimmer

Badezimmer 1

Toilette · Nur Dusche · Haartrockner

Badezimmer 5

Nur Dusche

Bathroom 1

Toilette · Nur Dusche

Bathroom 2

Toilette · Nur Dusche

Bathroom 3

Toilette · Nur Dusche

Bathroom 5

Toilette · Nur Dusche

Bathroom 6

Toilette · Nur Dusche

Weitere Räumlichkeiten

Terrasse oder Patio
Veranda oder Lanai
Separater Essbereich
Spielbereich im Freien

Mehr zu dieser Unterkunft

Private Villa Estate, 10m sqft Maid, Chef, Pvt. Pool, exotische Landschaft, Familie zu entkommen

PRIVATE LUXUS VILLA ESTATE, "La Perla Del Caribe" 10.000 Quadratmeter 6-Bett -6 Bad
"Perfekte Private Villa Estate für Familien oder Freunde", Kinderfreundlich.

Diese Private Luxury Villa Estate heißt Sie und Ihre Familie in Ihrem eigenen privaten Paradies willkommen.
"Designer" Privater beheizter Pool mit Wasserfällen und angeschlossenem flachen Pool für kleinere Kinder, integrierter 12-Personen-Whirlpool, umgeben von exotischen Gärten und Liegestühlen und riesigen Decks.
Outdoor Luxury-Sitzbereiche sind im gesamten Hotelbereich vorhanden, sodass Sie die Natur und die tropischen Privatgärten in vollen Zügen genießen können. Sie können im Freien speisen oder sich einfach zurücklehnen und sich vom Küchenchef zubereiten lassen, um diese speziellen Mahlzeiten zuzubereiten.
Einer der besten Strände der Welt, der von Travelers and Discover channel bewertet wurde, ist nur 1 Gehminute entfernt, der Nr. 7 der Welt, wie vom Fortune Magazine bewertet. Wunderschöne Sandstrände, ideal zum Schwimmen, Schnorcheln und für kleinere Kinder Sandburgen, entspannen und genießen Sie Ihre Zeit mit der Familie oder Freunden in Ihrem privaten Strandkorb am Strand. Parasailing, Jet Skies, Tauchtouren, Schnorcheltouren können in ca. 2 Minuten Entfernung arrangiert werden. Im Haus oder am Meer können Sie auch Massagen buchen.
Die gepflegte tropische Landschaft bietet mehr als 8000 Palmen und Pflanzen, die Ihnen 100% Privatsphäre und viele schöne Vogel- und Tierwildheiten bieten.
Open Roof top Palapas laden Sie ein, ein Nickerchen in den handgefertigten Seidenhängematten zu machen, die Meeresbrise und den Blick auf das Meer zu genießen.

Luxuriöse, geräumige Küchen mit allen Annehmlichkeiten, die Sie benötigen, stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung, so dass Sie diese speziellen Mahlzeiten oder Getränke zubereiten können oder sich zurücklehnen und entspannen können und der private Koch Ihre Mahlzeiten für Sie zubereiten kann. (Kochgebühren gelten)
Esszimmer Bereiche und Tische hat genug Platz, um alle unsere Gäste an einem Tisch zu setzen, um die Familie Mahlzeit zusammen zu genießen, oder Sie können entscheiden, und Ihre Mahlzeiten im Freien serviert werden.
Der Küchenchef muss vor der Ankunft arrangiert werden. Der Küchenchef erledigt alle Einkäufe und räumt nach jeder Mahlzeit auf. Die Kosten für den Küchenchef betragen USD 8,50 für das Frühstück und USD 9,50 für Mittag- und Abendessen sowie Lebensmittelkosten. Je nach Alter der Kinder sind sie entweder kostenlos oder 50% Rabatt. Koch- und Essenskosten werden bei der Ankunft in der Villa mit Ihrer Kreditkarte bezahlt.
Babybetten, Hochstühle werden bei Bedarf zur Verfügung gestellt, um sicherzustellen, dass die Kleinen eine gute Nachtruhe oder einen Mittagsschlaf haben. Babysitting oder Kinderbetreuung ist auf Anfrage möglich.
Alle Bettwäsche und Handtücher sind für Ihren Genuss zur Verfügung gestellt, sind die Schlafzimmer und Bäder geräumig und luxuriös, speziell entwickelt, um Sie bereit zu stellen.
Strand / Pool Handtücher, Liegestühle, Schwimmer für den Pool, Boogie Boards, Kinderspielzeug, sind für Ihren persönlichen Genuss zur Verfügung gestellt.
Outdoor-Grill, Gas oder Holzkohle, für den besonderen Fang des Tages ist für Ihren Genuss eingerichtet. Private Maid-Service ist im Preis inbegriffen.
Umkehrosmose Wasser ist in der Villa vorhanden, wir versorgen Sie mit unbegrenzten 20 Liter Flaschen Trinkwasser
 Private Exotic Yard, 24 Stunden Sicherheit, Volles Personal und so viel mehr sind für Ihren Genuss zur Verfügung gestellt.
Private Gated Oceanfront Community mit 24 h Sicherheit
Die veröffentlichten Preise basieren auf 12 Gästen
Catering, Kochen, Alkohol und externe Dienstleistungen sind für Hochzeiten nicht gestattet

Hauptschlafzimmer Highlights:
 2 - Super große Master-Suiten mit Kingsize-Betten - extra große Badezimmer mit Duschen, Whirlpools und Doppelwaschbecken. Feine Bettwäsche und Handtücher sind in allen Schlafzimmern und Badezimmern für Ihren Genuss zur Verfügung gestellt, so dass Sie sich für den besonderen Anlass oder die Nacht fertig machen können.
Ein Schlafzimmer ist mit einem luxuriösen Queensize-Bett ausgestattet.
3 weitere Schlafzimmer verfügen über 2 Einzelbetten, die leicht in Kingsize-Betten umgewandelt werden können. Zusätzliches Schlafen ist mit 2 zusätzlichen Einzelbetten zur Verfügung gestellt. Schlafbereich ist ebenfalls im Erdgeschoss für Menschen, die Schwierigkeiten die Treppe hinauf zur Verfügung gestellt.
Massive Mahagoni-Schränke mit Granit-Arbeitsplatten und insgesamt 28 'der Theke Raum mehr als genug Platz für alle Ihre Bedürfnisse.
Zwei 6-Brenner eingebaut in Gasherden mit Öfen. Das komplette Sortiment an Geschirr und allen Küchenaccessoires, die jemals benötigt wurden, erlaubt Ihnen, jede Mahlzeit zu kreieren. Mikrowellenherde, Kaffeemaschinen, Edelstahl-Toaster, Waffeleisen, Grillplatten, Mixer, BBQ-Grills, zwei Geschirrspülmaschinen, Kühlschränke aus Edelstahl und vieles mehr sorgen dafür, dass Sie sich wie zu Hause fühlen.

Besondere Highlights und Features:
Über 8000 Quadratmeter Luxus-Wohnraum
10 Fuß Decken mit handgefertigten Ziegeln Intarsien Decken "Kuppel" durch.
Individuelle Klimaanlage in jedem Zimmer.
Enorme Wohnzimmer mit privaten Terrassen, Ledermöbeln und Satelliten-TV (Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Deutsch-Programmierung verfügbar sowie Kinder-Kanäle)
Gratis Wifi
Luxuriöse Esszimmerbereiche mit schönen Esszimmertischen und ausreichend Sitzgelegenheiten für alle Gäste.
2400 qm Dachfläche mit Palapas, mit Blick auf den Ozean und Seide Hängematten sind für eine entspannte Zeit zur Verfügung gestellt.
Safes sind vorhanden
Private Maid-Service ist im Preis inbegriffen.
Jedes Zimmer verfügt über einen eigenen Balkon und einige haben Meerblick.
Einige der besten Golfplätze sind nur wenige Gehminuten von der Villa entfernt
Vidanta Par 3 (J. Nicklaus)
Iberostar (P. B. Dye) - PGA Vorqualifizierungskurs
Maya Coba (G. Norman) PGA-Kurs
Nur 1 Minute zu Fuß zum Karibischen Meer. Unser Strand ist einer der 10 besten der Welt von Discovery Channel und Channel-Reisende bewertet. Endlose Spaziergänge am Strand oder in der Nacht beobachten die Riesenschildkröten (während der Saison) legen ihre Eier wird die ultimative Höhepunkt Ihres Urlaubs werden. Schwimmen und Schnorcheln ist ein weiteres großes Highlight am Strand und beobachtete die Korallenfische und vielleicht sogar in einen für das Abendessen. Live-Hummer (wenn in der Saison) oder Fisch können direkt in der Villa gekauft werden, wenn die einheimischen Fischer mit dem Fang des Tages vom Speerfischen zurückkehren.

Das Personal und ich sind mehr als glücklich, auf unsere Weise zu helfen
Hochseefischen - Privat - 6 Gäste zur Zeit
Wenn Sie Hochseeangeln mögen, können wir arrangieren, dass Sie mit einem privaten Boot direkt an unserem Strand abgeholt werden. Die Abfahrt vom Strand ist um 8:00 Uhr morgens und der Angelausflug dauert 4 bis 5 Stunden, 6 Gäste pro Angelausflug zu einem Preis von 450 US-Dollar. 00, beinhaltet Getränke-Boot-Seite, private Charter, Captain reinigt und filet Fisch, wenn Sie beschließen, sie abends zum Abendessen zu haben. Vorherige Ankündigung und Kosten werden in bar an Martin in Villa gezahlt
Kajak liegt direkt am Strand
Wir vermieten die Ein-Personen-Kajaks (4) direkt in der Villa zu Ihrem Preis von $ 20,00 pro Tag, zahlbar in Villa
Kühle Getränke am Strand in Ihrem privaten Kühler
Wenn Sie interessiert sind, vereinbaren Sie bitte mit uns in der Villa Absprachen, geben Sie uns Bescheid, wenn Sie zum Strand gehen. Das Personal wird einen großen Kühler mit Bär oder Cola gegen Aufpreis direkt zu Ihnen an Land liefern. Gebühren werden in der Villa bezahlt
Massagen am Meer
Lassen Sie es uns wissen und wir leiten Sie direkt in den Massagebereich.

Zusatzleistungen zu Ihrer Verfügung:
Privater Chauffeur-Van für eine Woche oder pro Tag
Baby sitzen
Massagen in der Villa oder am Meer
All Inclusive Preise sind verfügbar
Tauchshop am Meer:
Sie können buchen, 1 Minute zu Fuß entfernt,, Para-Segel, Jet-Ski-Verleih, Tauchtouren usw.
Inhouse-Tequila-Verkostung Ausbildung
Lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn Sie interessiert sind und wir senden Ihnen den Link per E-Mail, damit Sie Reservierungen vornehmen können
Köche oder Catering im Freien sind nicht gestattet
Bitte senden Sie jederzeit eine E-Mail an den Eigentümer. Ich helfe Ihnen gerne weiter oder beantworte weitere Fragen.


Martin Bossler


Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch

Schütze deine Zahlung – buche immer über FeWo-direkt

Wenn dich jemand bittet, außerhalb unserer Plattform zu buchen oder zu zahlen, bevor du auf FeWo-direkt buchst, teile uns dies bitte mit.


Kostenloses WLAN


Check-in ab 15:30 Uhr
Mindestalter für die Miete: 21 Jahre
Check-out vor 11:00 Uhr


Kinder (0–17 Jahre) erlaubt
More than Welcome


Gestattete Veranstaltungen: Geburtstagsfeiern
All planning must be made true owner


Keine Haustiere erlaubt


Rauchen ist in ausgewiesenen Bereichen gestattet
Only outside of villa not indoors

Wichtige Informationen


Diese Unterkunft wird von einem privaten Gastgeber verwaltet (eine Partei, die nicht im Rahmen ihrer gewerblichen, geschäftlichen oder beruflichen Tätigkeit handelt). Das EU-Verbraucherrecht, einschließlich Widerrufsrecht, gilt nicht für deine Buchung, sie wird jedoch von den vom privaten Gastgeber festgelegten Stornierungsbedingungen abgedeckt.
Für zusätzliche Personen fallen möglicherweise Gebühren an, die abhängig von den Bestimmungen der Unterkunft variieren können.
Beim Check-in werden ggf. ein Lichtbildausweis und eine Kreditkarte, Debitkarte oder Kaution in bar für unvorhergesehene Aufwendungen verlangt.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit beim Check-in wird versucht, Sonderwünschen entgegenzukommen, sie können jedoch nicht garantiert werden. Eventuell fallen zusätzliche Gebühren an.
Partys und Veranstaltungen (einschließlich Geburtstagsfeiern) sind auf dem Unterkunftsgelände gestattet; maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 14
Hinweis vom Gastgeber: all planning must be made true owner
Der Gastgeber hat angegeben, dass die Unterkunft über einen Kohlenmonoxidmelder verfügt
Der Gastgeber hat angegeben, dass es in der Unterkunft einen Rauchmelder gibt
Zu den Sicherheitsvorrichtungen dieser Unterkunft gehören ein Feuerlöscher, ein Erste-Hilfe-Kasten und ein Riegelschloss.
Registrierungsnummer der Unterkunft: CAT010511UFS

Was wir noch erwähnen sollten

Für die Anreise zu dieser Unterkunft wird ein Auto empfohlen

Zur Gegend

Playa del Carmen

Diese Villa in Playa del Carmen liegt in der Nähe von Freizeitparks und in Strandnähe. El Camaleón Mayakoba Golf Course und Playa del Carmen Maritime Terminal sind einen Ausflug wert, wenn du etwas Aufregendes erleben möchtest. Wer lieber die Natur der Region bewundern möchte, sollte Folgendes besuchen: Playa Maroma und Tres Rios Ecopark. Du bist mit Kindern unterwegs? Mit diesen Attraktionen kannst du den Kleinen bestimmt eine Freude machen: Nationalpark Arrecife de Puerto Morelos und Temazcal Natura. Entdecke die hiesige Tierwelt bei Aktivitäten wie Naturwanderungen und Vogelbeobachtungen.
Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo

In der Umgebung

  • Playa Maroma - 1 Gehminute
  • Paradise Beach - 1 Gehminute
  • Golfplatz Playa Paraiso - 3 Autominuten
  • Cirque du Soleil Boutique at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 6 Autominuten
  • Tres Rios Ecopark - 12 Autominuten

Fortbewegung vor Ort

  • Flughafen Cancún (CUN) – 36 Fahrminuten


  • ‪Cena Trattoria By el Faro - ‬4 Autominuten
  • ‪Snake Bar At Iberostar Maya - ‬9 Autominuten
  • ‪Restaurante el Tapatío - ‬4 Autominuten
  • ‪Rhapsody Mixology Bar - ‬9 Autominuten
  • ‪El Museo - ‬16 Gehminuten

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Hat Private Villa Estate, 10m sqft Maid, Chef, Pvt. Pool, exotische Landschaft, Familie zu entkommen einen Pool?

Ja, diese Unterkunft verfügt über einen Außenpool. Zum Poolangebot gehört ein beheizter Pool.

Ist Private Villa Estate, 10m sqft Maid, Chef, Pvt. Pool, exotische Landschaft, Familie zu entkommen haustierfreundlich?

Nein, in dieser Unterkunft sind Haustiere nicht erlaubt.

Wann ist der Check-in bei Private Villa Estate, 10m sqft Maid, Chef, Pvt. Pool, exotische Landschaft, Familie zu entkommen?

Check-in ab: 15:30 Uhr.

Wann ist der Check-out bei Private Villa Estate, 10m sqft Maid, Chef, Pvt. Pool, exotische Landschaft, Familie zu entkommen?

Check-out ist um 11:00 Uhr.

Wo befindet sich Private Villa Estate, 10m sqft Maid, Chef, Pvt. Pool, exotische Landschaft, Familie zu entkommen?

Diese Villa für Familien in Playa del Carmen liegt am Meer, nur wenige Schritte entfernt von: Paradise Beach und Playa Maroma. Ebenfalls nur bis zu 2 km entfernt: Virgen Beach und Golfplatz Playa Paraiso.




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62 von insgesamt 70 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 10 - Hervorragend" "
7 von insgesamt 70 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 8 - Gut" "
0 von insgesamt 70 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 6 - Okay" "
1 von insgesamt 70 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 4 - Schlecht" "
0 von insgesamt 70 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 2 - Ungenügend" "










Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts


10/10 – Hervorragend

Wendy G., Vienna, VA

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Perfect family vacation!
We are a three generation family ages 75 to 9 months. The house, pool, grounds and proximity to beach were perfect for us. The accommodations inside and out are gorgeous and designed for comfort for all ages. The meals were amazing every morning and evening. Everything was kept really clean inside and outside. Martin was available to make sure everything met (and exceeded!) our expectations.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Dezember 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Charlotte D.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Beautiful, relaxing villa!
A wonderful location for a friend's bachelorette weekend. The pool and grounds were beautiful and it really is just a minute from the beach. Lots of space for everyone in the villa as well. Mercedes prepared delicious meals for us all, what a treat! Martin was so helpful, including arranging transport into Playa for us. Thank you!
Aufenthalt von 3 Nächten im September 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Catarina R.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Family celebration
We had a very nice time in the villa and Mercedes cooking was excellent.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juni 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Linda I.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Wonderful villa in Playa del Carmen
This six bedroom villa was perfect for our large family. The pools were great since we had several non-swimmers and the beach was a short walk. Perhaps the best was Mercedes the chef and her daughter Leslie - their food was delicious! Mercedes was so kind and helped us with a birthday cake. We would definitely stay here again!
Aufenthalt von 4 Nächten im März 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Susan S.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Wonderful experience from start to finish. Spacious and all the spots for all types of activities
Responsive to last minute requests and we decided to go from just 3 meals to 5 meals prepared by cooks ( good decision). Everyone was happy.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Februar 2023

8/10 – Gut

Steve S.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Playa Paraiso
Beautiful secluded quiet property. Excellent pool. Short walk to the beach. Quickly found a rental car was needed to access restaurants, and shopping. Chef services could be purchased, which we did not do. Well stocked kitchen, and BBQ provided.
Aufenthalt von 9 Nächten im April 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Christopher B.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Beautiful Property & Great Hosts
First time renting a house in Mexico and we could not have been more pleased with the property or the hosts! The house is large and open, with plenty of space, multiple refrigerators and two full kitchens. Not that you will want to cook much if you are lucky enough to have Mercedes and her team doing the cooking for you - what a treat!!!! The grounds are beautiful, the pool sparkling, and a short walk to the beach. While we were there, the weather was quite windy, but the house is sheltered and we didn't feel anything but a slight breeze at the pool or in the gardens. Martin and Isai could not have been more helpful and responded to any communication within minutes while staying at the house - even if we were just looking for a taxi (which only takes a few minutes to arrive as they are next door at the Iberostar). Thanks for the great stay!!
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im März 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Marianela M.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Everything at house is in mint condition, I loved how we can find and use all the stuff that Martin has on the house, from sandtoys to waffle maker. We enjoyed our vacay and loved the pool, it extremly kid friendly and also enjoyable if you dont go with kids, it has heater and that was a plus for us since we had first timer babies in a pool. OVERALL IS A GREAT PLACE TO STAY. Im not easy to please and I was even barefoot inside the bath and house around. 100 POINTS ON CLEANING. Thank you to Mercedes Isai and Francisco for all the help.
Aufenthalt von 5 Nächten im März 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

jennifer S.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Fantastic Pool and Grounds
We had four adults and 2 kids (20 months and 4 months). Martin was extremely responsive to all of my messages before and during our stay. We had Mercedes do all of our cooking. The meals were fantastic with plenty of food and a good variety. I’d say having the private chef was a highlight of the trip. That, and the pool. The grounds are expansive and incredibly landscaped providing lots of shade around the pool and blocking the winds that were pretty strong down at the beach. The walk to the beach isn’t bad, but it does get a little tiring carrying chairs and everything else down there and then finding a good spot to sit where the water is nice. Ultimately we chose to stay at the pool where it was no effort to go out and relax.
Aufenthalt von 4 Nächten im März 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Gwynne R., Chicago, USA

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Beautiful Home Close to Incredible Beach, Delicious Chef Cooking!
My girlfriends and I rented Martin's home in late September for a five-day girls’ trip and were completely blown away by the home, the beaches, and the incredible cooking by chef Mercedes! We were a group of 9 adults, and there was more than enough room for all of us to be comfortable. The house was clean and well furnished with plenty of privacy from other homes/hotels; it has 2 kitchens, multiple indoor and outdoor seating/lounging spaces and a huge pool (with floats/rafts!) that we enjoyed and spent a lot of time in. The house was conveniently located for our group as we spent most of our time in town (Playa del Carmen), at the beach or in the pool, aside from a day trip to Tulum. It was roughly a 30 minute drive from the Cancun airport, as well as the main Playa del Carmen downtown area. As soon as we booked our stay, Martin emailed our group a lot of informational documents about what to do, what to expect, etc. However, we found that the taxi drivers had a hard time locating the house, so I’d recommend printing the instructions provided from Martin and/or requesting clear directions in advance. The beach is a very short walk from the house and is beautiful and not crowded! We went to the beach almost every day and enjoyed the quiet atmosphere and warm, clear ocean. The highlight of the trip was definitely the chef, Mercedes! She can be booked beforehand through Martin, and you can choose the meals you want - we did breakfast every day and 2 dinners. Mercedes' cooking is beyond delicious, and she went above and beyond to make sure we were happy and full for each meal she cooked – from fresh guacamole to homemade tortillas and tamales and margaritas to ceviche, Mercedes’ cooking is a cost-effective and delightful option that made our trip extra special. Overall, we were very satisfied with our stay and Martin was extremely responsive before, during and after the trip. I highly recommend this home for a big group visiting Playa del Carmen! Big thanks to Martin, Mercedes and Isai for making our trip memorable :)
Aufenthalt von 4 Nächten im September 2021

10/10 – Hervorragend

Kaitlin T.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Bachelorette in Mexico
We had the most amazing weekend at Martin's villa in Playa Paraiso! The house was beautiful, plenty of space for a group of 8 with extra room for more if others wanted to join. We had hired the chef for all of our breakfasts and dinners and Mercedes cooking was delicious and went above and beyond for every meal. Isai, Martin's assistant was available and responsive for every request I had. Isai made our stay so easy, replenishing the groceries and drinks we asked for, setting up taxis and helping us with anything we needed! The outdoor areas had a ton of seating options, the pool was amazing and the beach was a short walk from the home. The house stayed cool from AC and all of the beds were very comfortable. The other villa was not rented so we had the entire property to ourselves. We all cannot wait to come back and will recommend this home to anyone and everyone!
Aufenthalt von 3 Nächten im August 2021

10/10 – Hervorragend

Michael F.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Exactly what we were looking for!
Martin and the property were fantastic hosts for our entire stay. The house is amazing, and the staff was so accommodating. I highly HIGHLY recommend Mercedes to do your shopping/cooking. She was the highlight of the trip making authentic Mexican food for us 3x/day for our group of 9 adults and 5 children. Definitely want to come back here. Thankyou to everyone that made this trip so memorable!
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juni 2021

10/10 – Hervorragend

brian N.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
PERFECT! (Covid-19 Vacation!)
This vactaion was quite unusual. We were originally scheduled to be here April 2020 but due to Covid-19 we needed to adjust our dates. That was no problem with Martin. We booked for October 2020. Getting ready packing and a hurricane was due to hit the area where we were going. Martin kept in touch with us faithfully and not until the Thursday before we were leaving did we find out it all was a go!!!! Due to Covid-19 there were still some things closed and we still took all precautions. That did not stop us at all from having an amazing time at this villa. Martin met us on arrival and toured us through the area and the house. The grounds on the property are amazing! So many plants, trees and so green! The pool beautiful! The house was huge, plenty of room and so clean. We were very happy with our choice. Martin was a tremendous help throughout the entire time from the booking until we arrived. He went beyond our expectations and provided excellent attention to our needs. I don't think there was anything he wouldn't have done for us. We decided as a group to go with the semi-inclusive which was great. We had Mercedes as our Chef for the week and we were so happy we did. Her meals were exceptional. We had asked for meals she would like to prepare and we had some of the best mexican food ever! She was also kind to meet our needs for anything special. We did not leave many leftovers, that's for sure! The beach is a very short walk and we were able to enjoy an almost empty beach due to closings of the some of the resorts. The beach is clean, water had some sargassum but that did not stop us from enjoying time in the ocean. The villa was kept clean for us the entire week. We all did pitch in and helped Mercedes when meals were finished to clean up. There are several places to sit and relax and sitting by the pool was wonderful! I would love to go back eventually and I want to thank Martin and his staff for giving us a wonderful vacation!

10/10 – Hervorragend

Don S.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Excellent facilities, owner and staff were fantastic we highly recommend
We had the wonderful experience of staying at the villa from Feb. 14 to Feb. 22. We were a party of 10 adults and 2 children and the purpose of our stay was to get married on the beach in Mexico. Martin and his crew did a great job setting up on the beach and back at the villa for our special meal and dance. To begin with Martin was is a fantastic host and had everything organized and set up at the villa when we arrived just the way we hoped, they went above and beyond what we expected. Martin came every day to make sure everything was to our satisfaction and then left, except our wedding day when he stayed around to make sure our wedding day went off without a hitch including driving the bride and her party to the beach, which was a nice surprise. We had left everything in the hands of Martin and the flowers, cake and set up was exactly like we hoped if not better. Martin made suggestions on how to save money and where to go for some good experiences which was greatly appreciated. To say Martin was a fantastic host would be a large understatement. From the time we opened the gate to enter the villa we were extremely happy as the facilities were exactly as listed on the web page if not better. The heated pool was fantastic and we were in it at all times through the day and night. The gardeners kept the grounds spotless, coming almost everyday to make sure it was clean before everyone even got up. The bedrooms are all a good size and we asked to have all the beds set up as kings and they were. The grounds are nicely treed so you can have sun or shade anytime of the day. With 6 bathrooms there wasn't any problem getting ready on the wedding day and there was enough hot water for everyone. We had the cleaning staff come every second day and they kept the interior spotless for us. We were fortunate to have Mercedes (the chef) cook breakfast and dinner for us and it was worth every cent, the meals were fantastic and there was no shortage of food, even leftovers we used for lunch. The meals were different everyday and Mercedes cleaned up after, she became like a member of the family and we wanted to take her home. I'm running out of space so I will close by saying if you are thinking of staying here you are not making a mistake as it is a great villa and the people go above and beyond to make sure you have a great stay and we all highly recommend this property, you won't be disappointed. Don and Orianna from Edmonton, Alberta
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Februar 2020

10/10 – Hervorragend

Ellen C., Alabama

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Annual Family Vacation
We are a growing multigenerational family that takes an annual vacation. There were 11 of us, 5 children, 8 months, 3,5,7,9 and parents and grandparents. Martins villa was perfect for us. I will say that we enjoyed the pool immensely, it was wonderful, with the shallow area for the small children, it really worked out well. Martin was so nice as I asked him a hundred questions and opinions. Several of us rented the fishing boat that Martin suggested and caught Mahi which we thoroughly enjoyed eating. We also hired the chef for 3 nights and the food was amazing, totally worth it and would do it more nights next time. We rented a catamaran out of Puerta Adventuras and had a wonderful few hours snorkeling and seeing the turtles and sting rays. We went to Xcaret one day , pay attention to the reviews, go to the river in the afternoon, the morning is so crowded, it almost seems like if you don't know what you are doing, which we didn't , they corral you into the area for the river first. Wait for the crowds to diminish and go to the river later in the day. We swam with the dolphins, and we all loved that. The beach area was nice and a place to headquarter as some went on their own adventures.Be careful of the ticket prices, they are all over the place in cost. We bought the majority of our groceries at the Wal Mart in Playa del Carmen. It was a large nice store and had everything we were looking for. We shopped the first day at the store closest to the villa and it was really crowded and we thought that the selection was poor. We went to the Wal Mart in Playa the next day.We did the tequila tasting that Martin recommended and that was a good time as well. We rented a van and were happy we did, we had considered using taxis but with all of us the van worked out perfect. To close, Martin was a great host we had a wonderful time , his villa was perfect.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im August 2019

10/10 – Hervorragend

Charlotte L.

Gut: Sauberkeit, Check-in, Kommunikation, Lage und Genauigkeit des Onlineauftritts
Martin was awesome and super helpful!!
Great property for a large group the yard and pool were fantastic!!!!

10/10 – Hervorragend

Heather S.

Beautiful and Accomodating Vacation
Martin's property was beautiful and easily housed our three families. Veronica and Mercedes, the cooks, were amazing. The general home atmosphere was incredibly comfortable and the food was delicious! We didn't get sick of eating the same cuisine three meals a day every day because it was just that good. I highly recommend getting the all-inclusive package, because it truly made our stay that much better. The pool area and rooftop hammocks were great for relaxation, and the beaches behind the house are stunning. Overall, our family and friends had a wonderful time and highly recommend this property and experience for anyone interested!
Aufenthalt von 6 Nächten im März 2019

10/10 – Hervorragend

McKenna M.

Tropical oasis, perfect for families with children
Our group of families had a wonderful time at this absolutely beautiful place. The gardens were luscious and great for staying cool. The pool was a huge hit with the kids, and perfect for days when the beach was too windy and waves too big. The add-on chef services were totally worth it! The food prepared by Mercedes was delicious and very accommodating for our mostly vegetarian group. The owner Martin was very prompt, responsive, and helpful. We definitely recommend getting a rental car, as there are many places to explore in the Maya Riviera but all are a bit of a drive from the villa's location. Still, even with a bit more driving than we would have liked, it was totally worth it to come home to this paradise!
Aufenthalt von 8 Nächten im Februar 2019

10/10 – Hervorragend

Verifizierter Reisender

Incredible property! Great for families!
We just got back after a several-night stay at the Villa, and we had such an amazing time! The grounds were beautiful. There were two kitchens, one for guests and one for the chefs to use when preparing meals (optional). The air-conditioning was functional and strong. We had seven children, including a couple of 1-year-olds, so we moved some of the nice ceramics to nothing got broken. The pools were excellent, with the double warm shallow pool particularly great for the young kids. The beach was beautiful (despite a good bit of seaweed) and was only a short (2-minute?) walk away. All-in-all, the villa was perfect for our group, and was made even more spectacular by Mercedes' delicious guacamole, margaritas, and authentic Mexican food! Highly recommend!
Aufenthalt von 5 Nächten im Dezember 2018

10/10 – Hervorragend

vicki N.

Martin’s villa is an effortlessly divine vacation home.
Take your pick: Lush, private garden areas sans swimming pool or quiet indoor comfort. Allow your mind to drift. Or laugh, chat, and make plans for an excursion-- walk the beach, kayak, go into town, explore cenotes. Content and happy being together or being alone. Perfect location, less than 30 minutes to the airport, yet secluded within this popular, beautiful tourist destination.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im November 2018

10/10 – Hervorragend

Marlana V.

Amazing! Trip of a lifetime!
This was really the trip of a lifetime for our family of 14...three generations...and something for everyone. The villa is beyond amazing...beautifully landscaped, plenty of room for meals for large groups and privacy with the six bedrooms, and the pool is the jewel of the property. We spent so much time enjoying the pool and waterfalls that it was hard to leave the property for sightseeing. Martin stops by frequently to check on things and gave us great advice about sights, restaurants, directions...anything we needed. We took most of our dinners and some of our breakfasts at the villa, and Mercedes and Sulmi are amazing cooks. We all agreed that the best meals we had in Playa del Carmen were at home. I can't recommend the villa enough. Our stay was perfect! Thank you, Martin! Marlana Valdez
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juni 2018

10/10 – Hervorragend

Tyson K.

We loved the place
Great food, house and pool. We highly recommend Martin and the wonderful cooks. Very accommodating, safe, and relaxing. We will be back.
Aufenthalt von 4 Nächten im Mai 2018

10/10 – Hervorragend

Rebecca S.

Amazing vacation home
Great location for a family reunion or large get -together. Large rooms, very updated kitchens and bathrooms. Always plenty of hot water even with 9 of us showering. Very quiet, safe location. Short walk to swimmer-friendly beach. Beautifully manicured grounds. Tons of comfortable outdoor seating. Large pool and whirlpool which our family used every day. Very clean, well stocked kitchens. Owner is very friendly and helpful. Would definitely recommend hiring a car as location is between Puerto Morelos and Playa Del Carmen.
Aufenthalt von 8 Nächten im Januar 2018

10/10 – Hervorragend

Mary Jo A.

Family Xmas Vacation
We started planning this vacation a year in advance knowing we would probably never undertake such a trip again with the kids and grandkids. Traveling with 7 to 9 adults and 6 children aged 10 to 8 months was challenging but I believe we found the best host possible in Señor Martin Bossler. His help was most welcome as we decided where to visit and which sites to see. We were glad to have him available to answer questions and lend his advice. The convenience of the chef service which we used almost every evening of our visit was really appreciated. The house and grounds were spacious and well maintained and the 6 bedrooms gave everyone plenty of room to spread out. The kids loved the pool and probably spent more time there than at the beach. Playa Paraiso was a 2 minute walk out the front gate and we even hiked south to Playa Maroma several times- guessing about 1.5 miles. We did rent a car for the entire stay and sometimes a van to get our crew to Tulum, Coba, and Akumal. I'm not sure if taxis would have been more economical but we did seem to go to the grocery about every other day so it was convenient to have a vehicle. Definitely a wonderful property and perfect for a large family group!
Aufenthalt von 14 Nächten im Dezember 2017
Diese Bewertung wurde vor 2018 eingereicht und wurde nicht geprüft.

10/10 – Hervorragend

Dawn R.

Awesome family week!
Martin was a gracious host; always stopping by to check on things to ensure all was in order. Short walk to the beach makes this a perfect location ... conveniently less than 30 mins from airport.
Aufenthalt von 10 Nächten im Oktober 2017

Über den Gastgeber

Zu Gast bei Martin Bossler

Bild für Gastgeberprofil
Being a seasoned world traveler myself for 24 years truly helps me understand the needs of the vacation traveler and the peace of mind you seek. A true owner of the Villa, assuring if any problems arises they are handled and taken care of immediately. I personally will greet you when you arrive .
Welcome to Paradise

Darum fiel die Entscheidung auf diese Unterkunft

Private Villa , unique design, Private settings, Private Pool,quiet relaxing area, owner lives close and is able to assist in any matter.Luxury at its best with tropical gardens designer Private pool and attention to detail sets this villa apart. Close to shopping and Town and all major attractions.
Enjoy the huge outdoor private areas with lots of seating, enjoy the private pool and have the chef prepare you that special meal , served indoors or outdoors.
The beach is 1 minute walk and is rated as one of the 10 best beach in the world by Travelers and Discovery Channel. All sand ready for the kids to build sandcastles or just enjoy .
24 hour security, ,we also offer Chef services , Babysitting, s, All inclusive rates, Shopping services, and so much more

We also can offer you 9 bedroom Villa for larger groups ( sleeps up to (20)
Additional services provided at additional costs:
Baby sitting
Chef services
Massage services at Villa or Ocean front
Tour guide

Das macht diese Unterkunft einzigartig

Relaxing around the Private heated Pool , Peaceful and Quiet naps on silk hammocks the perfect Private Luxury estate , enjoying the Private tropical setting .
One of the 10 best beaches in the world as rated by Discover and Travelers channel is located one minute away ,relaxing in the ocean front breeze and watching the kids enjoying themselves on the sandy ocean shore, uncrowded beach relax and just the just enjoy the perfect setting from your private beach chair.
Returning to the villa enjoy your meal being ready and prepared by the private Chef( additional charge), allowing you to spent as much time as possible with your friends and family
Perfect setting but yet close to all main attractions own, and shopping.
24 hour gated private ocean front community.
Owner is close to villa and will help in any way with tips and suggestions.


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